Willo Pond Morgans - Home of Covenant Knight Heir - Lippitt Morgan Horses in Wisconsin - Links of Interest
e would like to refer our viewers
to other websites or places where they can find more helpful information about
Morgans, Lippitt Morgans, horse health issues and other items of interest.
While we try to keep our links current, these target websites may change or become invalid over time.
We are not responsible for the content at these other sites. We have included links
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Many thanks to Betsy, who purchased Willo Pond Knight Traveller, for creating these lovely portraits of Traveller and CKH.
oil paintings of Lippitt Morgans
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will take you out of the Willo Pond Website.
Lippitt Morgan stallion Covenant Knight Heir out for a fun ride
Willo Pond Morgans Lorena Harrold
N573 Silver Creek Cascade Road
Random Lake, WI 53075
920-994-9937 (phone & fax)
email: willo_pond@yahoo.com
Come ... Share Our Pride ... In Lippitt Morgans
This web site is dedicated to the memory of Paul Juhasz,
co-founder of Willo Pond Morgans
The Willo Pond Morgans website is hosted and maintainted by TripHitz, a travel web design agency. If there any issues with our site, click here to contact them directly.