Willo Pond Morgans Stock For Sale.
Morgan Horse Breeder of Quality, Versatile Beautiful Morgans
In Spring of 2007 we plan to have the following two foals for sale.
Wachuset Black Knight x Willo Pond Georgi Anna
Wachuset Black Knight x ASW Knight’s Fantasia
Place your request for a foal now ....
and look forward to Spring and a beautiful new foal.
Willo Pond Stock in Pasture
(Wachuset Black Knight x ASW Knight’s Fantasia)
AMHA #168071 Foaled 7/10/2005 Dark Bay Gelding |

If you are looking for that special sport horse prospect that combines many attributes – Adonis is that horse! He is a fancy two year old Morgan gelding. He has excellent high-percentage Lippitt Morgan bloodlines from a line of famous sport horses. Adonis is dark bay with white strip on his face. He has a short back – very up headed with nice length of neck crowned with a gorgeous head. His mane, forelock and tail will be long and flowing as his sires. The legs are correct and long with large flat bones. Will mature to 15+ Hands. Adonis is extremely athletic with a showy presence. Handled since the hour he foaled he is easy to handle and train. As a yearling, 2006 was his first show year. He placed 1st in Yearlings and Two Year Old Colts and on to Reserve Jr. Champion Stallion. Placed 1st in Produce of Grand Sire. Adonis could become an excellent show horse and/or family horse. He is willing to do it ALL for you! Priced to sell at $5,000.00 to the person(s) that will use and appreciate his many qualities.
Click here for Pedigree.
(Wachuset Black Knight x Misty Mt. Nora Belle)
AMHA #T131162 Foaled 6/14/2006 Dark Bay
Jenna has high percentage Lippitt Morgan blood lines back to Justin Morgan. Correct conformation. She has a nice short back with nice croup. Her legs are straight and long with large flat bone. Very athletic filly with light and airy movement. Should mature to 15+ Hands. Has a very pretty head and large soft eyes. Her mane, forelock and tail will be long and heavy as her sire and dam. Jenna is truly lovely and has a sweet disposition to match. She enjoys being with people and has been handled since the hour she was foaled. Jenna could become an excellent show, dressage, sport, family and a mare that would enhance your breeding program. Priced at $5,500.00 to the home that will use and appreciate her many attributes. Click here for pedigree.
Willo Pond Knight Traveler
(Covenant Knight Heir x Misty Mt. Nora Belle)
Foaled: 5/11/03 ~ dark bay
We are pleased to announce that Willo Pond Knight Traveler has been sold to Betsey MacDonald of Clayville, RI.
Congratulations and Best Wishes to Betsey and Traveler in their new ventures together.
These photos were taken of Traveler at 9 Months wearing his heavy winter coat. Traveler is an exquisite Lippitt Morgan yearling colt. He is from a proven cross that has produced 8 beautiful siblings. His sire, Covenant Knight Heir, has won many varied championships and has 71 offspring to his credit. Traveler is a large bold colt and should mature to at least 15H. He has excellent long legs and a compact body. When he moves he has a great long trot and fluid motion. He is up headed and appears to float above the ground. He is has a nice long neck, beautiful head, large eye, and a heavy mane and tail. Traveler’s disposition is sweet and loving -- a true people oriented colt with the spirit of a show horse. If you are looking for an excellent stallion candidate, show horse or family pleasure horse -- Willo Pond Knight Traveler could do it all for you.
Willo Pond Sonoma Sunrise
(Wachuset Sherman x Wachuset Lady Hawk)
Foaled: 5/26/01
Chestnut gelding
We are pleased to announce that Willo Pond Sonoma Sunrise has been purchased by Bonnie Beth of
West Bend, WI. Congratulations and Happy Trails to Bonnie and Sonny in their new ventures together.
If you would like additional information on a Lippitt Morgan Horse For Sale, please contact our Morgan Horse Farm. We invite you to return often to check our sales list.
If our Morgan Horse For Sale list does not have a foal for you .... and, you would like to have a foal -- but do not have a mare/stallion
to produce one for you -- we welcome you to choose one of our mares and/or stallions. At our Morgan Horse Farm, we will breed your
chosen mare/stallion to produce the foal you would like to have. You will be part of the planning, breeding and
foaling to produce the foal you will be very proud and happy with.
Visitors are always welcome at Willo Pond Morgans. Please call for an appointment and we will be happy to
show you our herd of seventeen beautiful Morgans.
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Willo Pond Morgans
Lorena Harrold
N573 Silver Creek Cascade Road
Random Lake, WI 53075
414-412-3105 (phone & fax)
email: willo_pond@yahoo.com
Come ... Share Our Pride ... In Lippitt Morgans
This web site is dedicated to the memory of Paul Juhasz,
co-founder of Willo Pond Morgans